February 3rd, 2025 by Lisa S. Gorrell, CG
SA11 When the Evidence Doesn’t Agree
Saturday, 24 May 2025, 9:45 a.m., Carroll Ford
This presentation will demonstrate resolving conflicting evidence using the Genealogical Proof Standard through two case studies and practical strategies for solid conclusions.
These case studies demonstrate the 4th element of the GPS and through resolving conflicting evidence, she’ll locate the parents of James Gilday and the Irish origins of James O’Connell.
Stephanie O’Connell, CG, is a professional genealogist, specializing in immigrant ancestors, uncovering historical context and the deeply personal details that bring their life stories to life.
Registrants who check in at the Louisville registration desk can access this and all the lectures they don’t catch in person on the Whova app until 15 July 2025.
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Article tags: #NGS2025GEN, conflicting evidence