SLAM! Idea Showcase
Entry Deadline: Friday, 14 March 2025
In-Person Program: Sunday, 25 May 2025
The SLAM! Idea Showcase is part of the NGS Family History Conference and highlights outstanding projects or programs by societies, libraries, archives, museums, and other institutions (SLAM!). This is an annual event that began in 2021 as a way to:
- Share creative and innovative projects, programs, and practices to inspire others;
- Promote collaboration, networking, and collegiality among information and resource providers; and
- Provide an opportunity for individuals and organizations to learn from one another to strengthen the genealogy and family history community.
SLAM! Idea Showcase Program: Sunday, 25 May 2025
The 2025 SLAM! program will take place on Sunday, 25 May 2025, during a special event at the NGS Family History Conference in Louisville, Kentucky. The program recognizes all participants and provides an opportunity to honor and hear from the winner(s) and honorable mention(s). More details will be posted here once they are finalized.
SLAM! Idea Showcase Call for Submissions
Entry Deadline: Friday, 14 March 2025
General Information and Eligibility to Submit
Any societies, libraries, archives, museums, and other institutions, such as universities, that provide information and resources to genealogical researchers and family historians are encouraged to submit SLAM! entries. NGS organization membership is not required. (If your organization is not a member of NGS, visit to learn more if interested.)
By submitting a SLAM! entry, the organization and its representatives agree to allow the video and handout to be posted on NGS websites, including the NGS YouTube channel, and shared as part of the NGS Family History Conference app and activities.
The 2025 winner(s) and honorable mention(s). should plan for at least one person to be present in Louisville to discuss their project/program with event attendees.
For inclusion in the SLAM! Idea Showcase, the submission process must be completed by 14 March 2025 and include the entry form, video, and handout following all the requirements and criteria below. It is strongly encouraged that organizations read through all information on this page before submitting an entry.
Submission Requirements and Criteria
Submission is a two-step process. First, fill out the online submission form which includes uploading your handout. Second, email Kate Smith at ksmith[at]ngsgenealogy[dot]com for information to upload/email your video.
- Videos must be submitted in standard MP4 format with a maximum total length of five minutes.
- Videos must be submitted with closed captioning. (The only exception to this is if a video does not have any audio.)
- Videos must include the 2025 SLAM! Idea Showcase intro video at the beginning. Download the 2025 video intro from Box.
- Submit a PDF handout that is one page or two pages (which can be printed double-sided) with contact information that can be shared and information that will help people further understand your project/program.
- For the handout, use all 1″ margins and common fonts (such as Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri) in an easy-to-read size. Be sure that all web links appear as clickable hyperlinks. You can use your logo or other small images. Type the following in the footer in 10-point font: National Genealogical Society 2025 SLAM! Idea Showcase
- The video and handout should include a mention of the size of your organization and how the project or program was funded.
No commercial activities or any advertising may be displayed. Non-compliance with this rule will result in the submission being removed.
Subject Matter and Examples
Submissions should pertain to projects or programs that:
- Serve genealogical researchers and family historians or promote genealogical research.
- Concern public outreach, engagement efforts, reference services, collection development, digitization, database/website development, programming, newly created resources, or other aspects of information delivery to the genealogical community.
- Have been implemented successfully.
- Can be duplicated or adapted by other organizations.
- Are free and accessible to anyone but may have a local or regional focus.
- Demonstrate innovation and creativity.
NGS welcomes projects that advance research in under-represented populations, such as people of color, LGBTQIA+, and women, and/or promote enthusiasm among young or new researchers.
View the SLAM! playlists on the NGS YouTube channel to see all past entries. Reviewing the winners and honorable mentions from each year will provide good examples.
The winning submission(s) will receive a cash prize of $250. Any additional submission(s) selected for honorable mentions will be eligible for a cash prize of $125. Registration for the SLAM! event is also included for winners and honorable mentions.
The number of winners and honorable mentions will be determined based on total submissions and are selected by the SLAM! Idea Showcase Committee. Prizes are awarded as a check to the organization and not to an individual.
15 December 2024: Call for submissions opens
14 March 2025: Deadline for submissions
18 April 2025: Committee review finalized, winner(s) and honorable mention(s) will be notified shortly after this date
25 May 2025: SLAM! recognition program at the NGS Family History Conference
Please email Kate Smith at ksmith[at]ngsgenealogy[dot]org with questions about the 2025 SLAM! Idea Showcase.