Social Media Policy

Official hashtags – #NGS2024GEN #NGSDelegateCouncil #NGSFocus #NGSSLAM!

Except by specific prior written permission, NGS does not permit screenshots, photographs, audio, or video recording of lectures or sessions during any NGS virtual or in-person events. Presentations, including slides and syllabus or compendium material, are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced.

NGS contracts with an outside company to audio record and video record lectures for speakers with written consent.

NGS permits and encourages the use of social media such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and blogging to summarize, highlight, excerpt, review, critique, and promote the presented materials and the NGS 2024 Virtual Family History Conference events in general, provided that

  • copyright law is observed
  • verbatim information is limited to a few quotes and
  • the author or speaker is referenced and cited appropriately.

We encourage participants to:

  • use Whova to connect with others
  • follow us on Instagram (@ngsgenealogy)
  • like us on Facebook (
  • follow NGS conference news
  • use the hashtags above on all social media posts
  • blog, post, and tweet about what you are hearing and seeing during NGS 2024 Virtual Family History Conference events (highlighting or commenting on, but not sharing in detail, any of the material presented)
  • suggest sessions to watch via Whova
  • chat about exhibitor products and services.