What is FOCUS?

Organizations are the backbone of our community and an essential source of information and knowledge for new and veteran genealogists and family historians. FOCUS offers learning and engagement opportunities where organizations can share successes and foster collaboration to make our community even more robust and support everyone searching for their personal stories. FOCUS sessions are designed for leaders, volunteers, or staff from societies, libraries, archives, museums, and other institutions in the genealogy and family history community.

FOCUS 2025: A Pathway to the Future for Genealogy and Family History Organizations

Join NGS at the Filson Historical Society for a unique experience to help your organization plan for a successful and sustainable future. The Filson is a leading research archive for family, local, and academic researchers. Founded in 1884, the Filson’s collections span Kentucky and the entire Ohio Valley region, easing the tracking of migrating generations of ancestors. The Filson staff are excited to welcome FOCUS participants, share expertise, and encourage helpful discussions.

Genealogy organization leaders in Richmond, VA

On 23 May, meet NGS staff and volunteers at the Galt House and board transportation to the FOCUS event. Eat lunch and get an introduction to the Filson and the FOCUS program and its relevance to outreach and engagement with an eye toward America250 in 2026. Enjoy making valuable connections while rotating through three different sessions that promote collaboration and community and cover essential aspects of planning for the future.



2025 Sessions

Exclusive Behind-the-Scenes Tour—A special tour of archive and museum collections storage space will provide insight into the challenges and innovative solutions to an organization’s preservation needs. While exploring facilities, discuss how to create an incredible visitor experience and prepare someone for on-site research.

Development and Growth—For long-term sustainability, organizations must be able to reach new people, engage members/patrons, and secure needed resources. Get tips on fundraising, including major gifts and grant writing, ideas on attracting and retaining members, and how to set your organization up for success and growth.

Relationships and Structure—Organization leaders must think and plan strategically to nurture the relationships that improve their operations. Learn about managing volunteers, developing leaders, building partnerships, and creating an organizational structure and vision that encourages meaningful involvement and a bright future.


10:45 – 11:10 a.m. Check-In and Board Buses to the Filson
11:10 – 11:30 a.m. Travel to the Filson and Arrival
11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Lunch, Introductions, Mingle, and Split into Three Groups for Session Rotations
12:30 – 1:30 p.m. Session #1
1:30 – 1:45 p.m. Rotate/Break
1:45 – 2:45 p.m. Session #2
2:45 – 3:00 p.m. Rotate/Break
3:00 – 4:00 p.m. Session #3
4:00 – 4:10 p.m. Wrap Up and Takeaways Discussion Within Each Group
4:10 – 4:30 p.m. Board Buses to the Galt House and Leave the Filson


For those also registered for the 2025 Family History Conference, the Expo Hall Opening Reception rounds out your day. We look forward to seeing you at the Expo and the conference!

To Register for FOCUS

2025 FOCUS registration is $150 for NGS individual members and $175 for non-members, including lunch and transportation from the Galt House Hotel to the Filson Historical Society and back. Any individuals interested in building up the community of genealogy and family history organizations can sign up to attend FOCUS. Online registration is available through the Family History Conference page, but signing up for the conference is not required to attend this pre-conference event.

Please email Kate Smith at ksmith[at]ngsgenealogy[dot]org with questions about the sessions and content for the 2025 FOCUS event.

Questions about Registration? Contact the NGS Registrar at [email protected]