Browse the Sponsored Bonus Sessions Below or download a copy of the program.

Sessions from NGS 2021 Live!, including sponsored bonus sessions and all other sessions, are now available on-demand at

Session IDTitleRoomOrderDateTimesorttimeTrackSpeakersSponsor
NGS2104-SP-01Using the Ancestry® Search Engine and Ancestry Hints® to Power Your Discoveries0Sponsored Bonus Sessions2025030303-03-202511:52 pmTech TipsKevin TsoiKaren Joyce LoweAncestry
NGS2104-SP-02What’s New at Ancestry®0Sponsored Bonus Sessions2025030303-03-202511:52 pmCrista CowanAncestry
NGS2104-SP-03Getting the Most Out of the Ancestry® Mobile App0Sponsored Bonus Sessions2025030303-03-202511:52 pmLiam MolloyShamar JosephHunter CannonAlan RiveroNeil DespainSarabeth HamberlinRandon MorfordAncestry
NGS2104-SP-04Mapping Old Mount Airy, Virginia0Sponsored Bonus Sessions2025030303-03-202511:52 pmVirginiaAnne Gillespie MitchellAncestry
NGS2104-SP-05Billy Yank or Johnny Reb: Civil War Stories Revealed on Fold30Sponsored Bonus Sessions2025030303-03-202511:52 pmMilitaryAnne Gillespie MitchellAncestry
NGS2104-SP-15Virtual Family Reunion: Using Social Media to preserve family stories and host a reunion.0Sponsored Bonus Sessions2025030303-03-202511:52 pmTech TipsDavid LambertNEHGS
NGS2104-SP-06Dealing with Dubious Sources0Sponsored Bonus Sessions2025030303-03-202511:52 pmShannon Green, CGBCG
NGS2104-SP-07Collaborate for the Best Results in Genealogy0Sponsored Bonus Sessions2025030303-03-202511:52 pmWritingDavid E. Rencher, AG, CG, FUGA, FIGRSBCG Education Fund
NGS2104-SP-08Using Digitized Manuscripts in your Southern US Research0Sponsored Bonus Sessions2025030303-03-202511:52 pmRecordsKaren Auman, PhD, CGBYU
NGS2104-SP-09DAR Applications: Those Pesky Generations from the Patriot to the 1850 Census0Sponsored Bonus Sessions2025030303-03-202511:52 pmRecordsPamela Loos-Noji, PhDDAR
NGS2104-SP-10A Genealogically Correct FamilySearch Family Tree0Sponsored Bonus Sessions2025030303-03-202511:52 pmMethodologyRobert RaymondFamilySearch
NGS2104-SP-11Identifying the 1714 and 1717 Germanna Colonists of Frontier Virginia0Sponsored Bonus Sessions2025030303-03-202511:52 pmHeritageCathi Clore Frost and Barbara PriceThe Germanna Foundation
NGS2104-SP-12Researching Germans in Maryland: Context and Resources0Sponsored Bonus Sessions2025030303-03-202511:52 pmHeritageDebra A. HoffmanMid-Atlantic Germanic Society
NGS2104-SP-13Using The AutoCluster And Chromosome Browser to Understand Your MyHeritage DNA Matches0Sponsored Bonus Sessions2025030303-03-202511:52 pmTech TipsDaniel HorowitzMyHeritage
NGS2104-SP-14Family Tree Charts to Showcase Your Genealogy Research for Free on MyHeritage0Sponsored Bonus Sessions2025030303-03-202511:52 pmTech TipsDaniel HorowitzMyHeritage
NGS2104-SP-16Writing Quality Research Objectives0Sponsored Bonus Sessions2025030303-03-202511:52 pmResearch FoundationsJill N. Crandell, AGResearchTies
NGS2104-SP-17The DNA of New Sweden: Featuring Forefather Descendants Who Migrated to Virginia0Sponsored Bonus Sessions2025030303-03-202511:52 pmDNABecky GriswoldThe Swedish Colonial Society
NGS2104-SP-18Why Big Y? The benefits of advanced Y-DNA testing0Sponsored Bonus Sessions2025030303-03-202511:52 pmDNAJanine CloudFamilyTreeDNA
NGS2104-SP-19Unlocking the Life of an English Rose – Don’t Overlook Researching Your Immediate Family0Sponsored Bonus Sessions2025030303-03-202511:52 pmDiane L RichardGen-Fed Alumni Association
NGS2104-SP-21Preparing to Write0Sponsored Bonus Sessions2025030303-03-202511:52 pmWritingCraig Roberts Scott, CG, FUGAGenealogical Speakers Guild
NGS2104-SP-2250 Things to See in The Family History Guide0Sponsored Bonus Sessions2025030303-03-202511:52 pmBob TaylorFamily History Guide Association
NGS2104-SP-23European Archives and The Family History Guide0Sponsored Bonus Sessions2025030303-03-202511:52 pmMiles MeyerFamily History Guide Association
NGS2104-SP-24Real Questions About DNA Testing0Sponsored Bonus Sessions2025030303-03-202511:52 pmDNAJanine CloudFamilyTreeDNA
NGS2104-SP-25Y-DNA Testing for Genealogy0Sponsored Bonus Sessions2025030303-03-202511:52 pmDNAJanine CloudFamilyTreeDNA
NGS2104-SP-26Which DNA Test is Right for You?0Sponsored Bonus Sessions2025030303-03-202511:52 pmDNAJanine CloudFamilyTreeDNA