February 25th, 2025 by Matthew B. Berry, CG
SA22 Understanding and Exploring DNA-Based Unlinked Family Clusters
Saturday, 24 May 2025, 11:15 a.m., Grand Ballroom A/B
This lecture explores the emerging phenomenon of unlinked family clusters in genetic genealogy, where groups of DNA matches that (usually) have an identifiable common ancestor cannot be linked to your own tree. We will discuss strategies for identifying and analyzing unlinked family clusters, including the use of clustering tools and segment triangulation to narrow down potential connections. Although some clusters may never be linked, we will examine ways to hunt for the connections!
Blaine T. Bettinger, PhD, JD, is a professional genealogist specializing in DNA evidence. He is the author of The Genetic Genealogist, and frequently gives presentations and webinars to educate others about the use of DNA to explore their ancestry.
Registrants who check in at the Louisville registration desk can access this and all the lectures they don’t catch in person on the Whova app until 15 July 2025.
Registration is now open!
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