
FR01 Land Mapping Using Metes and Bounds – $100

Friday, 23 May 2025, 2:00-5:00 p.m.

Instructor David M. McCorkle

Knowing exactly where ancestors lived is critical for finding neighbors and understanding their community and living situations. For the original colonies, there are typically no maps showing this, so being able to locate and map that property yourself is an important skill. Property boundaries in these areas were described using a system called “metes and bounds” which uses directions and distances combined with natural and human created landmarks.

This hands-on workshop will teach this system through lectures and exercises conducted both as a class and individually. Exercises will use hand drawing methods, supplemented by specialized software and Artificial Intelligence tools.

FR02 It’s Not Greek! Reading Old German Handwriting – $100

Friday, 23 May 2025, 3:00-5:00 p.m.

Instructors Dana Palmer, CG, CGL, and Karynne Moses

Are your German records gathering dust because you can’t read them? Come learn how to be successful reading old German script and Fraktur in this 2-hour workshop. With examples of handwriting variations over time, and websites to assist in reading the old German Gothic script, you will be well-prepared for the hands-on portion: deciphering Fraktur in German newspapers and church record headings, as well as transcribing church records from both form and paragraph styles. Tricks for decoding common nuances (letter grouping, double letters, blends, special letters, etc.) will also be shown.

FR03 BCG Education Fund “Putting Skills to Work” Workshop – $150*

Friday, 23 May 2025, 9:00-5:30 p.m.

BCG Education Fund Logo

Part I: Mastering Reasonably Exhaustive Research: Identifying, Analyzing, and Prioritizing

Instructor Patti Hobbs, CG, CGG

In today’s digital age, the abundance of online genealogical resources can create the illusion of thorough research. However, the first tenet of the Genealogical Proof Standard—reasonably exhaustive research—requires much more than database searches. This workshop will guide participants in identifying, analyzing, and prioritizing all “potentially relevant” information, with a focus on navigating both traditional and digital sources. Through lectures and hands-on exercises, you’ll learn to identify source locations, evaluate their comprehensiveness, and assess their limitations.

Part II: Applying Standards to Writing for Publication

Instructors Margaret Rose Fortier, CG, and Mary Kircher Roddy, CG, CGG

Chapter 4 of Genealogy Standards covers the standards for writing genealogical proofs and assembling research results into a variety of written products. This hands-on workshop is geared toward writing for publication, including peer-reviewed journals. We will examine organization and flow of the material, and how to avoid repetition and dead-end arguments. Effective use of headings helps the author organize the material and provides an outline for the reader to understand the evidence and a map to find detailed information. The class will discuss when to use running text for presentation of evidence and when and how to use other formats including charts, diagrams, lists, tables, maps, and other illustrations. We will review working with an editor and avoiding common errors in writing for and submitting to journals.

*Lunch included; register using the button below. Registrants will be divided into two groups of no more than 30 students and will rotate through each part.

Questions about the BCG Ed Fund workshop? Email bcgedfund[at]gmail[dot]com.