January 20th, 2025 by Matthew B. Berry, CG
SU01 Beyond the First Clue: Unraveling a Genealogical Mystery with the GPS
Sunday, 25 May 2025, 8:00 a.m., Carroll Ford room
Applying the Genealogical Proof Standard uncovers Delany DeVine’s true birthplace, challenging initial evidence and showcasing reasonably exhaustive research, analysis, correlation, and resolution of conflicting evidence.
On the surface, this session is about identifying the birthplace of Delany DeVine, who died in 1946 in Deuel County, South Dakota. But simultaneously and more deeply, this session will demonstrate the significance and essential role the Genealogical Proof Standard (GPS) plays in reaching sound genealogical conclusions.
Gary L. Ball-Kilbourne, PhD, CG, CGL, is a researcher, author, and educator. A BCG trustee and officer, he edits BCG’s journal, OnBoard. He is passionate about genealogy’s detective work.
Registrants who check in at the Louisville registration desk can access this and all the lectures they don’t catch in person on the Whova app until 15 July 2025.
Register by 31 January to take advantage of our early bird $50 discount!
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Article tags: #NGS2025GEN, BCG Skillbuilding, Genealogical Proof Standard