Storytelling with Karen Stanbary and Angela McGhie

February 23rd, 2025 by Lisa S. Gorrell, CG

SA13 A Day in the Life: Creating a Compelling and Documented Family Short Story

Saturday, 24 May 2025, 10:45 a.m., Grand Ballroom A/B

Genealogists value the power and legacy of the written word. We all love to research. Some love to write. Others, fueled by intimidation and self-doubt, guiltily procrastinate the writing, secretly hoping for a miracle. This lecture may just be the beginning of a miracle.

Karen and Angela share their storytelling passion. They will inspire and empower you to finally memorialize the stories that deserve to be preserved. Two case examples illustrate the technique.

Karen Stanbary, CG, CGG, lectures nationally on using DNA in genealogical problem-solving. She serves as a Trustee for the Board for Certification of Genealogists and chairs their DNA Committee.

Angela Packer McGhie, CG, FUGA, is the vice president of the Board for Certification of Genealogists. She coordinates courses for SLIG and IGHR and is an instructor at other genealogy institutes.

Registrants who check in at the Louisville registration desk can access this and all the lectures they don’t catch in person on the Whova app until 15 July 2025.